Merchant Industry provide the highest payout in the industry which enable the sales agent to earn highest commission on upfront bonuses,annual bonuses and bonus on wireless terminal sales for each merchant account they earn.The agent will earn additional income from certain fees charged to merchants. Commissions are a great source of supplemental income and can help them pay for ordinary and necessary operating expenses.This is an addition to your residual income.Become a part of our team today to enjoy one of the highest payouts in the industry. The high commission based income and life-time vested residuals, help agents grow their business capital.
Our Bonus Plans
The sales agent will receive an initial payment of $300 per account for every qualified account using the third month’s processing activity. ABC Restaurant is a new account and is paid $200 upon approval. In the third month, the account is earning $80 on our revenue sharing program, based upon 100%. Your office was paid $40 (50%), and we earned the balance of $40. This $40, our net revenue, after payment of your commissions, is then multiplied by 8, for a total amount due of $320. Your office already earned $200, and then a second payment of $120 will be paid (total of $320) on your following month?s residual payment.
Bonus on Wireless Terminals
The sales agent will receive an initial payment of $300 per account for every qualified account using the third month’s processing activity. ABC Restaurant is a new account and is paid $200 upon approval. In the third month, the account is earning $80 on our revenue sharing program, based upon 100%. Your office was paid $40 (50%), and we earned the balance of $40. This $40, our net revenue, after payment of your commissions, is then multiplied by 8, for a total amount due of $320. Your office already earned $200, and then a second payment of $120 will be paid (total of $320) on your following month?s residual payment.